Medical News Today
What to know about dental implants
Dental implants are artificial structures that replace missing teeth. Learn more about the different types and implantation procedures. Source: Medical News Today
Full liquid diet: Everything you need to know
A doctor may recommend a full liquid diet for a short time for people with certain medical conditions. Learn more about what to eat and…
How to treat a dry mouth at home
There are many ways to treat a dry mouth at home, including using a humidifier, sucking on sugar-free lozenges, and trying alcohol-free mouthwash. Learn more.…
Dental bridge: Everything you need to know
A dental bridge can replace a missing tooth or several teeth. In this article, learn how dental bridges work, including the types and what to…
Do braces hurt? What to expect
People often wonder whether braces hurt. Here, we discuss the pain or discomfort that people may experience when getting and wearing braces. Source: Medical News…
Brushing your teeth may keep your heart healthy
New research that followed a large group of people over an extended period suggests that regular toothbrushing staves off arrhythmia and heart failure. Source: Medical…
What to know about tooth extraction
A person may need a tooth extraction for various reasons. Here, learn about the different types of extraction and what to expect during and after…
What is the soft palate?
The soft palate is the muscular part of the roof of the mouth. This article provides a diagram of the soft palate and discusses its…
Teeth: Names, types, and functions
The types of teeth are incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. The last of the molars to erupt are the wisdom teeth. Learn more about the…